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Posted On: August 21, 2023

Local governments across the nation are experiencing similar growing pains as populations grow — an increasing need for 10bet mobile appexpanded public services working out of outdated buildings with limited ADA compliance, minimal to no amenities, and area layouts posing safety and security concerns. To combat these issues, local governments continue to ask taxpayers to invest in their communities to revitalize or construct new government service buildings. With limited funds and a need to complete these critical improvements quickly, municipalities across Colorado are looking for a general contractor with a proven commitment to these diverse projects.  

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Voters in Colorado have passed several bond programs to improve their communities in local elections — excited to see improvements to local infrastructure, parks, transportation, public safety, government services, libraries and community recreation centers. With the majority of funds coming from taxpayer dollars, construction partners must remain dedicated to maximizing goals within each project’s fixed budget, operating with full transparency from start to finish. Additionally, these community investment projects must stand the test of time, with a focus on durability, safety and sustainability.  

Constructing Functional Spaces

As the need for community services increases, the 10bet online sports bettingbuildings in which those services are provided often don’t meet the functional needs to optimize efficiency. These buildings are central to a community and must last, requiring a construction partner who can guide their clients through important design decisions. Strategies like collaborative constructability reviews, integrated technology and value analysis make design and programming decisions easier, leaving modern spaces to last the next 50 years and beyond. 

Ensuring Public Safety

Rising concern for personal and public safety and new code requirements for safety and accessibility have led to a growing demand for upgraded government buildings. Inside, important decisions concerning the welfare of individuals are made, requiring high-security measures to protect visitors, employees and information. Specific expertise in constructing and installing security checkpoints and access zones, blast-resistant materials, emergency communication systems, and cyber security is vital to provide safe spaces in our communities.  

Achieving Sustainability Goals

Municipalities are incorporating renewable and high-performance energy systems more than ever before to reduce their carbon emissions 10bet online sports bettingand operating costs. Incorporating ENERGY STAR®-rated equipment, geothermal, mass timber, solar arrays, green roofs, ice storage, waste water heat recovery, and more, adds complexity to construction and requires specific expertise from a general contractor. A proactive approach during preconstruction provides valuable insight of the risks and benefits of sustainability options through a life cycle cost analysis and a full building analysis including environmental impact, aesthetics, durability, constructability and maintainability. 

Saunders Construction was recently recognized as the #1 Government/Municipal building and #1 Renovation/Restoration contractor by Engineering-News Record Mountain States because these projects matter to us. They directly benefit where our employees and their families live, and the government workers we interact with in our daily operations. Saunders continues to be chosen as a trusted construction partner — having worked with 29 local government agencies totaling over 4 million square feet of projects. We look forward to building the future of Colorado and remain dedicated to improving communities across the state. 

Media Contact
Teena Bergstand

Senior Director of Marketing Strategy
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